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Anissa Bell, LMFT
Sleep Therapy

Insomnia Symptoms
The symptoms of insomnia are different for everyone. They may include a few of the ones listed below, or several:
Difficulty falling asleep at night
Inability to stay asleep
Multiple awakenings throughout the night
Waking up too early & unable to fall back asleep
Not feeling well-rested after a night's sleep
Daytime fatigue or sleepiness
Change in mood (increased irritability, depression or anxiety)
Lack of energy or motivation
Difficulty paying attention, focusing on tasks, or memory difficulty
Increased errors or accidents
Poor performance at work or school
- Inability to sleep during "normal" sleep times (e.g. sleep preference is 3am - 11am)
Sleep anxiety that includes ongoing worry and frustration about sleep
Increased anxiety as bedtime approaches
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